Space research methods  

Learning outcomes of the course unit: The course is a systematic introduction to the fundamental concepts and principles of methods of exploring the universe. Special care is given to the extrasolar planets detection which is a young field in planetary science. The basic exoplanet detection methods are covered, based on the underlying physical concepts. Physical principles behind planet characterization are explored, and tied to observations and interpretation of exoplanet properties such as trajectory, size, composition and temperature. Students will know the basic methods and principles of exploring the universe.Course Contents: Properties of light. Measuring the distance in the universe. Hubble’s Law and its implications for galaxy motions, and the observational basis for the expansion of the universe. Physical principles behind different exoplanet discovery techniques. Measurement of a planet's radius, semi-major axis, and orbital inclination from a planet transit data set. Measurement of a planet's mass and semi-major axis from an exoplanet radial velocity data set.
Space research methods

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